Plant Components
Power Plant
The natural gas based combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant with a capacity of 726.6 MW is configured with ultra-modern GE 9FA Heavy duty Gas Turbines. These gas turbines represent the world’s most experienced fleet of highly efficient 50 Hz large units with higher output. The 9FA gas turbine is configured with robust Dry Low NOx (DLN) 2.0+ combustor which is environment friendly, helps in achieving efficiency greater than 56% and emits NOx less than 25 ppm which is much lower than the prescribed limit. Online data of both chimneys is made available on the Central Pollution Control Board website for real time monitoring.
Transmission Project
North East had a very small capacity to absorb power and implementation of the generation project essentially required evacuation of power. Earlier, there were no high voltage 400/220 kV transmission lines in the entire state of Tripura. The power evacuation system entailed construction of a 400 kV AC transmission line from the power plant to 400 kV receiving substation of Power Grid Corporation of India Limited ("PGCIL") at Bongaigaon in upper Assam over a distance of around 650 kms. PGCIL was appointed as the Project Management Consultant (PMC) for construction of the Transmission Line. The development and operation of the power transmission was undertaken by M/s North East Transmission Company Limited (NETC) a joint venture organization of OTPC.